The large distorted bowls I airbrushed with several layers of different coloured underglaze as I wanted them to have a translucent appearance but who know if that will work but worth a try. They are the main work for the exhibition. Again I have experimented with the other crab plates and am a bit nervous, will I ever learn to experiment first!!
I have been working on my paper for the China conference today, shuffling paper and images. I sent an email and a request form to the fellow at the Museum of Australian Pottery, Geoff Ford, whom I contacted before I went to Sweden about using images of pots from the pottery I am talking about. No reply! Panic! Looked up his website and he is away until September so I hope he reads his emails as soon as he gets back, yikes!
This afternoon when the paper became tedious I drew a leaf from the garden and am going to make a Lino cut I think. Such a pretty leaf with lots of cutting involved.
Must pay attention to the kiln and cones now, the old girl is roaring away and is about 1200°, so should keep my eye on the spy hole for the cones to start bending. It's hot in here.